Third Five Year Study Plan for the Intermountain Forest Tree Nutrition Cooperative Item Info

Third Five Year Study Plan for the Intermountain Forest Tree Nutrition Cooperative
Intermountain Forest Tree Nutrition Cooperative
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Document outlining the plan for the IFTNC for the next 5 years, it includes a goal statement and an experiment with the following Preface: Previous results from IFTNC Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine experiments suggest a link between nutrition, particularly potassium nutrition, and insect and disease pests. Mortality rates in the Douglas-fir trials were significantly higher instands with poor pre-treatment foliar K status after application of 400 lbs. of N/ Ac. lnterestingly, the most common mortality causes in this K status/ treatment category were root rots and bark beetles. Results from the Montana ponderosa pine experiment showed that N only treated plots experienced higher mortality rates, producing a net loss in volume growth after 4 years. Conversely, N + K treated plots showed less mortality than control plots. The net volume growth effect associated with adding K was highly significant. Mortality on the N only plots was six times as great as control plot mortality; over 80% of it resulting from bark beetle activity N+ K plots showed less mortality than control plots with no bark beetle mortality.
research plans (reports)
North and Central Idaho Eastern Washington Western Montana Northeastern Oregon
Intermountain Forest Tree Nutrition Cooperative. 1993.Part lll: Five Year study Plan for the IFTNC: A Forest Nutrition - Forest Health Emphasis. FWR, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow.
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"Third Five Year Study Plan for the Intermountain Forest Tree Nutrition Cooperative", Intermountain Forestry Cooperative, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/iftnc/items/iftnc4800.html