The Effect of Multi-nutrient fertilization on Understory Plant Diversity Item Info

The Effect of Multi-nutrient fertilization on Understory Plant Diversity
VanderSchaaf, C.L.; Moore, J.A.; Kingery, J.L.
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This study examined multi-nutrient fertilization effects on understory vegetation diversity at eight forested locations in the inland Northwest. Percent canopy covered by understory plant species of three growth forms (shrubs, forbs, grasses) and total understory were determined over a two year period following treatment. Two diversity indices (Shannon-Wiener index and Simpson's index) were used to quantify multi-nutrient fertilization effects on understory plant diversity. Multi-nutrient fertilization prescribed to increase overstory tree growth did not typically reduce understory vegetation diversity, rather diversity increased following fertilization on some sites. Understory composition at the time of treatment greatly determined fertilizalion effects on diversiry as follows: 1) if most species in the plant community responded relatively the same after treatment then diversity was unchanged even though total biomass increase may have been large; 2) if a highly responsive species was abundant prior to treatment. then diversity decreased following fertilization; and 3) if a highly responsive species was relatively rare prior to treatment, then diversity increased following fertilization. Multi-nutrient forest fertilization generally did not affect understory plant diversity, but where changes did occur diversity increases were more common than decreases.
research shrubs grasses (plants) fertilizer statistics
North and Central Idaho Eastern Washington Western Montana Northeastern Oregon
VanderSchaaf, C.L., J.A. Moore and J.L. Kingery. 2000. The Effects of Multi-Nutrient Fertilization on Understory Plant Diversity. Northwest Science. 74(4): 316-324.
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"The Effect of Multi-nutrient fertilization on Understory Plant Diversity", Intermountain Forestry Cooperative, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/iftnc/items/iftnc4832.html