Summary: This Taylor Ranch log book continues the accounts of caretakers, Jim and Holly Akenson, beginning with February 19th, 2000 to December, 31st, 2000. The day-to-day lives and work of the Akensons is detailed and shows the continuing development of the Taylor Ranch. Readers will find accounts of their work as wildlife biologists including wildlife migration patterns, wildlife sights, the Akenson's work on predation and pregnancy, as well as the volatile weather patterns for this year. Recreational activities in the Taylor Ranch area are also accounted for in this log book including cribbage, frisbee, and the "40002 club" (where someone hikes 4000 ft. up 2 mountains in one day). The continued development of research and education at the Taylor Ranch is also included such as McCall high school students visiting Taylor Ranch. Technology is also accounted for as the Taylor Ranch receives a DirectTV satellite system and various upgrades to computers. Unfortunately, the year 2000 at the Taylor Ranch was also a year of loss and grief. There are multiple accounts of people involved with the Taylor Ranch passing away such as a long time radio operator for the area and two pilots closely associated with helping the Taylor Ranch. Holly's entries in August of 2000 mark some of the worst wildfires in Idaho history and, on August 13th, Taylor Ranch was evacuated as the fires moved in fast. What follows is the Taylor Ranch's caretakers accounts of evacuating the ranch, involvement in fire prevention and clean-up, and returning to the ruins of various buildings at the Taylor Ranch.

Digital Format:
Metadata Cataloger:
Ricky Lee Baldridge; Jasmine Warne Rowe
Preferred Citation:
"Taylor Ranch Log Book, February - December 2000", Taylor Ranch Log Book Collection, University of Idaho Library.
Reference Link:
Contributing Institution:
University of Idaho; Taylor Ranch Wilderness Research Station
Rights to the digital resource are held by the University of Idaho.