Web of Science Now Available on Library Website

The UI Library has added an important research tool to its resources with a new subscription to Web of Science. The library subscription includes Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index. Science Citation Index fully indexes 5,900 major journals across 150 scientific disciplines and includes all cited references captured from indexed articles.

Web of Science provides a unique search method, cited reference searching. With it, users can navigate forward, backward, and through the literature, searching all disciplines and time spans to uncover all the information relevant to their research.

Social Sciences Citation Index fully indexes more than 1,725 journals across 50 social sciences disciplines, and it indexes individually selected, relevant items from over 3,300 of the world's leading scientific and technical journals. Many of the citations in both indexes contain abstracts and some will also contain a link to the full-text of the article. Coverage is from 1999 to the present.

There are three simultaneous users allowed so if you have trouble accessing the database try again in a few minutes. Web of Science can be accessed through Find Articles on the library website.
