1st Sab of 1886
Lay in bed this morning trying to concentrate mind & heart on some of the precious words stored away but would find My self in My S room tomorrow explaining to them that I have no [illegible] in Lap as Enoch seems to think. Mr Deffenburghs is - am afraid it will be like K. all trying to boss. Rachel does not like the idea of such a democratic S. how much she & Robert are alike. Meahets. She has not felt comfortable from the first & I suppse will soon go to Cottonwood discouraging to work for [with] her after going back into her squaw dress. New Years passed quietly only Old Mrs Rubens here. James wishes to call to see Me. What trouble that would bring to Me doubtless from over the way. today No S. S. Enoch. sick what a monopoly this Sab. lecture is. party new years night at Mr D.’s presume for Jen W. who seems to be much in favor. only stayed a little While. an idea of missionary work I presume has never entered the head so fuzzed - but she suits the company. great contrast between No 1 & 2. What a blessing the Lord blinds our eyes as to the way We must go. if We had seen the rough path that ran through the last year how We would have shrunk from entering it. Kindly he veils our eyes  I asked the Lord that I might grow in grace he answered by laying Me in the dust. last year was one of Weeping & humiliation. Oh that the lessons taught may have to not be learned again. but With the mists Just a little cleared away I find the same Old troublesome heart here. glad Sue has a good S. in Mt I. We both ought to be fitted for work. Lord hold us very tight to thee - & let not the discipline be lost through bitterness towards the Means. God bless My darling ones at home May it be the year when all even the little ones will be enrolled in thy family.

Lapwai Jan 24th 1886
Had not far to go to church today. the nice new church near was occupied for the first time today. No dedication Services although three Ministers were there Mr D. Silas & Enoch. Mr D.’s sermon in the morning was the Answer of Jesus to the two when John sent to Ask Art thou he who should come? 2nd Service the S. lesson. Joseph Lourie made a long speech with sub. list in his hand congratulating them on their finished church. how much they would have enjoyed the dedicating. read again that wonderful prayer of Sol, 8 chap 1st Kings. it looks as if all temporal trouble came as punishment for Sin. how comprehensive the prayer is. Among all the Whites here not one but Mr D. & Myself present. I know the snow is deep. My papers came last night. Oh how the friends are passing away. dear little Rachel Andrews & pleasant Rob Stephenson, & Betsy Anderson who spent her life scrubbing & cleaning her face one of the earliest in memories hall. & I here yet? Oh Lord may every moment be used for thy glory for the time can not be long. I have no wish to go back & live it over unless I could live it better. when I think of the hard places. I say God kindly veils our eyes.

Jan. 29.
Well. Well. McConville is teaching in the Lap S. What does that mean & Mrs D says there is scarcely a doubt of Mr Ms reappointment. republican & all that. the Pres. has given the matter over to his Friends Dr E & Dr L. who are enthusiastic. over this poor people has not the least idea of this. little wonder if they lose faith in the Spiritual leaders & feel like throwing a way worship. like James R. It was merely accident I found out this. the two families are as one Oh What a change.

Lap Jan 31st 1886
What a precious Sab. this has been. I felt while in Gods house & Police man Daniel & James Rubens sitting Up in the front What does it matter if Mrs D turns with dignity from Me. I am not here for Whites but to help lead into the light this poor people. & I see I can reach the men all the same through the wives. perhaps Daniels warm socks & good light bread have been used by the Spirit. three years Mr D. says since they cast away worship.  how long since James cast it away I do not know. Not one of all these White employees go to church.. the Lord opened His mouth in parable to Me this morning - & made the old things new in 77. Psalm. my own souls history draw Me nearer nearer blessed Lord to Thee. these people & Thy own dear self is all I need to know here. Great peace have they Who love the Lord & nothing can offend them.

Feb. 6th
He leadeth Me I know & is beginning to let Me the Why for some things. My field of or for Usefulness is greater here than in K. so many more promising young married Women & can reach through them to their husbands. James R. there again today. had a little plain talk with Mrs D. Making it plain we must not again show before the people how little sympathy there is between us. I feared this would end all intercourse. but he was proud to bring her over on thursday. I met her with a kiss.& all seems to be over. Oh how patient the Lord is With Us. the New Dr is reported on the Way & will these plans fail for Agency. God is Smarter than the smartest. in My three months have not seen but Mrs D. one day at church. What teaching.

Thursday Feb 13th
Went to Jennie slickpoos house this afternoon to see see Mrs Tom Hill. What an anxious face she has. Tom a prisoner in Mt I. for Murder of Nine Pipes. Agent in Portland with his wife to be opperated on for tumer. the reappointmet not yet sure. As I listened to Marthas witness bearing today I could see the remark in the S. room had been fastened by the Spirit. Oh that I was more Spiritual - Oh that the Second Coming of Our Lord - was an ever present inspiration. I believe - Lord help My Unbelief. Rachel & Melia away on their farms. the gathering & holding My S. has all been the Lords work. thanks for his love to Me. As more & more of the Web of life appears Just where I thought the filling was only dark. I see now the golden threads none other than love divine. but God was patient through the long dark period when I could not See him & I doubted his nearness. Mr D. spoke of the Campbells to go & open the S. at K. Well. Well.

Feb 29
I suppose Mr M. is reappointed for monday is first of march. but Oh it is Robert I am troubled about. Police started for R. Dick & Alex three days ago & have not come yet. God help these poor tired children for there is no help in man. all this for bearing witness about the murder of Nine pipes. I have been offering up little prayers all day. & well I know there is one in Mt I. doing the same. if she knows her best beloved is in the fire again. May he be the wheat when sifted. I [don't] forget how the Lord delivered him last spring. May he be strong in the Lord & the power of his might God help him.

Feb 29th 1886
Not a sign or word of the police from K. three days now Some think Robert will refuse to come. orders. so poor Rachel Says was to have few words take him & if in Mt I. take him there. the days of [illegible]house over again. God help this poor people. the Agent made his appearance in church for the first time in the four months. came in for the last hymn & benediction & then had Edward make his announcement about wheat. poor R is ever in thought today. Rachel & Enoch here for dinner today. R eyes swolen about her brother Robert.

March 3rd
Robert dear Robert took supper last night with Me & today was his trial. the anxious looking over to the court house with My dinner waiting for hours the looking over at the many comeing & going - the blue legged policemen & then comeing & kneeling pleading for strength for this poor tired one. & that the counsels of Ahithepel might turn to might. how much My pleading had to do with the small fine of $10.00 He who kept these fierce enemies from putting him in prison knows. He has Just gone with My too little lunch in his sack. John Crea & Kentuck the witnesses against him. it is not R but the cause he represents. Who knows but out of this [illegible] trouble to the pursuers. poor Sue in her Mt I home has spent this day in prayer

Lapwai April 1st 1886

Mrs. Mening & I took a walk over to Edwards. how change all is there since last fall house papered & furnished. everything cosy & comfortatle & trees planted out  how much they love to be praised Edwards s day makes them different
After all worying about K. the orders came Sab. for all to be turned over to the new Agent. Who is he is the question. All spirit is gone. the McConvilles at the Fort - do not want to stay. Mr D. preached sab. evening do not trouble about the prosperity of the wicked. wonder if he knew the telegram was here. the K police have gone home & Oh but there will be Joy to know they will not have the troubles much longer. My S. small, but better than it used to be in K in spring. & poor Miny With her family gone to Kansas well I know. it was as Miny says like tearing the heart strings away.
Mrs M. Another spell. & Dr sent for in the night poor little thing I fear she is to be called to give up world she has loved so well.

April 11th
Ministers here on their way to presbytey & what a nice lot of gentleman they are. they do not need the old clothes from boxes now. all have neckties & how different they look from the rest. Sues work shows truly. Wm Wheeler & Jim H. preached today. William studied a little with Me yesterday & this morning & What a good sermon he did make of the Israelites at March & Elim. & Enoch was pleased with the thoughts of his S. L. the calling of the disciples. Billy took dinner with Me dear Old Billy carrying report from K church to pres. because Robert & James H. was in Mt I on the Tom Hill trial. Lord bless the seed here today & every where.

Lapwai May 7th 1886
A red letter day truly - for Mrs Reese left here today Mrs Judge Buck came with her. what young faces & white heads. Oh what a treat after seven years from home to have one come who knew My friends so well. how She enjoyed My silk quilt. the names of her friends on the other side. I spread all My nice steubenville presents out two deep. they Went to prayer meeting. she did not speak of temperance but of her friends - the Minister Missionaries here for a Month to study. gave me so much pleasure if they were as they always are dressed nicely. Archie was called upon to preach & stepped into the pulpit with his cane. some of the more humble ones would have done better. Mr & Mrs D. took tea with them here & Mrs Mening came & staid all night - she & I slept in the Lumber room on Parkers bed. the Whites out in force. & Oh it seems We are not to have a new Agent. & Oh I fear for Robert & K. Christians. R & James will not come down Enock says. the Old trouble about that Woman is to be brought up. Oh. Oh. the perilous times are upon the Nez Perce.
The picture of this morning s meeting in My house - the Men in My S. room the Women on My kitchen floor & Mrs Judge Buck in black satin seated among them. Mrs R asked how many used to drink. how many hands went up even among the preachers. then how many were Christians then her thank God. her honor of Him was so sweet. May the Lord stand by her tonight in Lewiston & make her a blessing. how pleasantly she did shake hands & a word to all & closed With such an appropriate prayer. Jim Hines pronounced the benediction. of course Jonah his special friend  was at the carriage with Mrs. J. at the last.

Lapwai May 23d 1886
A great day I think in[illegible] today - all the Nez Prce Minister here eight of them.   how good it was to hear Robert & James preach again. R so indifferent at to appearance but so full of Gods grace. the storms of persecution have only made him stronger. Mr D had him preach in the morning the first one asked to preach then - Archie & Peter looking so stylish - but - Elders were chosen & Just as I told Mr D -   Joseph L. had the most but some how that did not make any difference. Abraham Brooks & James Grant - were ordained & Stephen Ruben as deacon. truly an impressive sight while Mr D. prayed they laid & kept their hands on eight hands on the three heads. Robert gave the charge to them. Oh how tenderly how wisely did he show them they must be united in heart & work & not honor self. they were shepherds their head here was their minister & the head of all Christ. but Archie must make an address about brother Spinnings letter & bother these weak ones about stuff. this evening he & nearly sent Me out with head ache.
Poor or rich henry is nearing death. it is hard to think this sickness comes from a fight with a white years ago when he was drunk. Wonderful work of God among this people. Jim Hines sees it from his holding up the pictures in Foreign missionary of the two nez P who went to St L to find the Book. What the Book has done for them. found them with the Sun for a Father & earth their Mother. I gave Stamitis a bible. think the Lord has chosen an Elder. Abrahams nice wife had much to do with his election Lord baptize Us all anew Ministers Elders & people. 

Lapwai June 27th 1886
A Week today since My friend Mrs Campbell left My house for her own home. more than two weeks here. Walter with her all the time Mr C. out twice. I feel ashamed. We gossiped so much & talked so little of Him who brought our pathes together at Kamiah years ago. last Week many K’s down to Tom Hills trial in Lewiston. of cource acquitted - but still true is Solomens expression No one can Wash Tom Hill but God. I do not see yet why certain men were brought down for witnesses. The Gov. S Agents family & all but Mr Ds & Dr’s family have moved to Fort. No new Agent yet although long since We heard he was in Washington. Will Langford now come on & seize the vacant buildings perhaps the vacating is part of the plan - if he tries to take it I fear much trouble will come. Archie has sent for J. R. to come to Umatillas perhaps about this. Oh if they would attempt to take their Temple the new Church they love so God forbid. Moses Montieth preached yesterday evening the most emberrassed I have ever seen a Nez P. commenced our little S S. Mr D has men & Women. Martha Amelia & My self the little ones. it will die I fear unless a sprightly Superintendent can be put forward. Oh for a Robert. Mr D. thinks Stamiten would do. he comes to read often & reads Well.

Lapwai July 6th 1886
Mrs D says they found two drunken men in the night near My house. perhaps I would have been frightened if I had heard them being taken over to Jail. Stephen passed with his waggin to bow to Me. & Peter R. brought My pan back Oh but I ought to give thanks that the Lord restrained the work of Man. 4th July came on Sab. So monday was the fourth here. all camped for communion Services over in the cotton woods. truly we know not what a day will bring forth I went over early with My food to Cap Kane’s tent & spoke of his keeping the women from riding with the men. Mr D. had made this known. how selfish & poor the feast seemed in comparison to K. Cap K. very pleasant sat a long time in Stephens chair. Mr D. was talking to Joseph L. came said some mail came for you I followed him returned & was reading the sorrowful news that My dear only brother had been thrown from the buggy & had broken his left arm & leg. Peter Kane came Just then & put the question twice. did I talk to Mr D about the women riding? Yes. that was enough - It was but a few minutes until Cap John (I think) was on his horse riding round the camp denouncing Me as he had done years before. Robert.  Soon Cap K’s voice I heard in his tent I went & spoke to him. Said I was troubling the people Just as I did at K. Robert Jimmie L. & I. I left in the midst of all this. how will I knew as I lay on My floor frightened for the many wild oones all around. & My dear brothers sake - souls sake - well I knew this day is fearful. bringing Me back from the fearful wanderings of the past Weeks if not months  the men & the women rode & seemed excited at sight of Me. I crept over to Mr D’s at dark but slept none all night. how often My brothers arm & leg seemed mine. how easy it is today to get down any where & plead for his pardon. Oh that Mothers prayers may be remembered No No nothing but the tender mercy of the Lord would I plead.- the 4th of Julys will soon be all passed with us. More holy ness give Me - More hatred to sin More likeness to the Thee to Thee!

Aug 21st 1886
My Gracious God hath healed My brothers bones & Oh I hope He hath both broken & healed his heart. had a good long letter from him but no showing Me his heart. & the Lord fixed all the troubles here. Cap K very gracious indeed & after awhile not at once. Stam had a pet for awhile but that too has vanished- how many look towards or from Just as the Wind blows. they feel this weakness themselves when they pray for manhood. Abrham & Edward were glad to get back Abraham & Amy sick. I hope Abraham will be spared. three Elders taken in Over year would be a Judgment for something. the people all away or nearly all. one prayer meeting only two Women. Mr D. is to lead thursday & I on saturday.

Aug 30th 1886
New Agent Six children & Aunt arrived yesterday. Cap Kane’s description is he is bald & white-headed large body & stern voice. is to start for Kamiah this evening & Dr says a man was down yesterday evening & says about 30 of the Kamiahns are down with dysentary. poor people now it is a matter to decide wether he will the Dr will go to them or stay with Mrs D. I hope it is not true about K. I remember of Peter often telling me about one summer there when so many died from that disease. they eat so many mellons. this day reminds Me of the smoky time in K four years ago. Smoke Smoke so that we can see but a short distance.

Oct 4th 1886
To day My heart feels as if Kitswe timenas raft  was standing on end on it. Oh this twisty crafty people. Cap Kane came to My door yesterday to say My servant was making the My raft on Sab. day. Monama will Miss Kate receive wood made on sab. Lord give Me Wisdom. for there is an old feud in here. the poor weary Hellen is in it & Will Mr & Mrs Solomon Martha & Silas hearts go from Me. The little missionary is seven days old - James Robison Deffenbugh. I wish I could love every body. that raft it I fear will come into My S. God help Me I felt that the people here were caring for Me as they used to in K. but how soon they can be stired Up if God does not go before me & make the crooked places straight.

Oct 12.
Raft came last night & the two red blankets. came to see Me today Kitswe Temina says he never worked a minute on it on sab. & Wants Cap Kane to be brought. Went from here to see Titus - Police. I have tried to leave it all with Jesus for Oh how many places he has bridged over for Me. but Must I have the Kanes for enemys. because the former Agent was one. Oh Lord leave Me not one minute for these shrewd twisty people will make [illegible] for Me. Went off alone on the hill & the poor little unhappy Drs wife called Me to go across the creek. poor little thing she showed Me her heart. Wish she had My friend to tell her troubles to. have invited Mrs Jennie Slick Poo to spend tomorrow here.

 Lapwai Oct 15th 1886
Another Ebenezer must I raise. blessed be His name who always has made a way of escape. the raft business settled early this morning Came Old Cap Kane - with KitsWeteminas brother red blanket & his hair in long plats but a good innocent face. Cap Sat in the rocking chair & in his way explained that all the Kane camp one sab went to church at North Fork. but his daughter & her spokan husband & they said My Servant had worked on Sab. but When he examined into it it Was Dick on the Bears Road & Kitswetemina was cleared. so he sat talking. When lo son Peter came in Said it was true. seven of them (Kanes) saw him work on Sab. While telling this both redblankets appeared - the enemys in close quarters - I feared unless the Lord would give his presence there might be blows. so went into front room to tell Him to restrain & guide. Cap did not want the matter to go before the Agent. Kitsweteminas . was not a church member so must not go before session. poor KitsWeteminas. I have a warm side for him for his Mothers sake. I enquired Which one of the rafts was the trouble about the one here or the one at Akinary? the one here. then I Said I will take the other. I feel that the story is false & that an old grudge is at the bottom. but God My God poured Oil upon the troubled Waters to him be all the praise. 

Sab Oct 24th 1886
Communiond - many of the people are still away. To My Surprise Agent & Daughter slipped in to church. I supposed last sab would be his last as well as first in Church. Oh how glad I was when he stepped out & stood beside Me at communion table. he must be a member of Some church Oh that he may walk in the fear of the Lord before this people. Communion at dear old Kamiah today - sacred spot. but Lapwai grows dearer. the Kanes tamapikin & Jim Moses too.

Nov 2nd 1886
One year today Since I landed in Lapwai with a tearful subdued heart & many missgivings. but God has most Graciously & lovingly kept near Me. Almost boy cotted by Whites made the people dearer. although I see more & more the great moral difference in the people of K & L. still My heart does not reject these poor people. I am away off alone the great Gov. s empty. the Dr in the Agents house. Rachel Enoch & Jennet Are at Mrs. Henrys. E was pleased abut the idea of living in My front room until wood was mentioned. how I wish I could have Mrs Solomon always & how she wishes she might be with Me. but the lord shall fix it & I will wait & see how. has He not always shown his love for Me. My Sewing Machine works nicely Oh that the Lord may make this a blessed winter Among the Lapwai women. I see a difference in their dress. but best how I love K still. the Christmas tree is promised by Fulton again.

Nov 3 1886.
here I am in the Parker house it has been a year of many blessings. Charly Gone. All his plans & tricking thwarted. Man proposes but God disposes - Robert is not silenced & I Am still on the Reservation & the Inspecter this week said Sue can return when she wants to there is nothing to hinder the investigation put off & off until the new Administrator & then the case dismissed.

Lapwai Nov. 4th 1886
Yesterday to My Surprise the Agent Mr Norris brought a Mr Tomsen of Baltimore to call upon Me. I soon was told he was the Inspector sent to see if We should stay on the Reservation. he found Me anxious to be inspected. too Anxious so he & Mr N came today & the charges were read. oh how malignant  & humiliating to listen to. Oh Oh some of it true there was not a word in it all about a new Agent. I was charged with Just What Sue was charged with. he is going to question the K people in Council tomorrow. Robert, James. & Enoch were relieved when I told them that Miss McBeth could go back if she wished there was nothing to hinder. Among the documents was My letter to Dr Coffen nearly two years ago. After all the sleepless nights this is all. God takes his own time & Way to deliver his children I am repeating a sentense in S. S. Ata hewash Lord - What John Said when he saw the stranger he thought standing on the sea shore. So I say Oh Oh it is the Lord. here raise Another Ebenezer

Nov 7th 1886
Nearly all K. down. Robert & James preached today. R preached bout the Good Samaritan. it was preached but what strange application they do make. Jesus was the Good Samaritan. James of cource told us about Jesus & his comeing. I invited James & R to dinner. Moses Monteith & Luke slipped in - coming twice this week. a table full. the Fees & today & Oh how many. tomorrow for many are down in three weeks the fiftieth? 50th anniversary of Mr Spauldings comeing. Billy s face is beaming he will remember much to tell

Nov. 18th 1886
Oh. Oh. A troubled heart again. me wats pa hi nan-in. My S. commenced all right. one day when I went to see Dick Jim M commenced telling Me about Ed. So Sab evening in prayer meeting he rose & had much to say about making fun of singing & worship. I thought I was the one he was trying to ofend. Asked Martha her head went down yes. So that has taken out three of My promising Women Mrs Ed. Amy & Annie.  only three in S. today how much I think of Sues thinking the Devil gets in among them. such trouble will keep on if the church is open to any one to talk about any thing. Oh Oh the enmity there is among them no one can see on the surface. Oh Lord do not leave Me but prosper & bless thine own work. I need to feel the living presence of My Fathful Lord here alone away off beyond human call. Oh Lord come come stay My fainting heart on thee next week fifty years since Mr Spaulding came to this people - A meeting appointed.

Lapwai Thanksgiving 1886
How much I have to be thankful for health & Sufficiency & A sense of the presence of My comforter & Guide. When it blows hard I feel I am under the hollow of his hand. had My thanksgiving dinner yesterday when Mrs Deffenbaugh & the dear little two month old boy spent the day with Me. Church this evening Mrs H & Mrs  Titus. prayed Come Lord Jesus Come among us in the great assemby next week.

Lapwai Dec 4th 1886
What grand glorious meetings We have had in the Church for three days. the days spent in tracing the hand of the Lord among the people. the Old people so anxious to tell of the comeing of Mrs & Mr S. the Whitman Massare was told about yesterdy by Old Feathers Who saw the dead. today James Rubens rose to Make it plain that it was Gods work & the Yackama leaders not Mr S. who should have the Glory in the great revival among this people beginning at K. Mr S. came three times. fled at time of Whitman Massacr - Was sent away by an Agent O. Neal. the Agents chiefs seem to have combined Against Chistianity. A thank offering was taken up today Phebes Mother from her $1.75  gave $1.00. & No coffee or tea for the Winter. the Widows mite. truly.

Sat Evening Dec 5th
Such a multitude at Church today. the Church given to the Lord dedicated Mr D. second son. 1st by 2nd wife was baptize today James Robison. Mr D & James Hays preached in evening. Robert has been chairman through all these meetings. Archie absent some. James H. & Robert with there hearts so full of love for Jesus.   rising to sing & with all My dear K Women around Me Mrs Felix Mrs Solomon - Jenet & many more. Billy on the top of seats talking. he R - Sol going around hile singing was going on shaking hands. Made Me shut My eyes & feel I was back in dear Old K. again but there is much work here Oh that I may be baptized anew for it from this time forth on the table lay the $50.25 the Nez P thank offering to go for Missions - because of all the Lord has done here.
Mr D  preached from Deu. 4. chp. he dwellt on the 26, 27 verses - & gave a forcible Ilustrationsl. Mr Whitman & Spaulding came from East together W. established Mission among Cayuse Mr S here. Cayuse killed Mr W. & today Where are they. Scattered among other tribes even their language silent. many here. Joseph Lourie, Interpreter Cap Kane are Illustrations. the Nez P. he said were honored & considered among the first tribes of all this coast. So Washington & the Church in East looked upon them. Why they had kept & Wanted to keep the word of Lord in their hearts even When No Missionaries were among them. Righteousness Exalth a people truly but much of impression were disipated by Archies splurging Around raising a collection for that Warm Spring Indian Who is getting Up & Ed intrepreting Whites in Meetings. So it is Always where A is he must appear the Leader. Nuse Na kune must hollow out something about the Agent not going to give Annuities. Oh Oh.

24 Nov. 1886
Last night was such a rainy dark one I did not like to look out in the Egypian darkness for such a lonely feeling would come over Me at remembrance that I might call & call & no one Mr D. or Indians could hear Me. Silas & Jim Moses nearest. I have been saying for days the Lord would fix it some how for Me - neither Rachel or Mr Sol could come this morning. I could see how & Said as I saw smoke arising from the bushes on the other side of creek Ata he wash. Lord. A tent there for the winter I thank the Lord

Lapwai Dec. 23 1886
I look back now upon the way He hath led Me & exclaim Goodness & Mercy hath followed Me all My days.’ - the Whites Who last year treated Me With Such [in]dignity all gone. Mrs D. on her dying bed. how sore My heart is now that I ever felt so hurt at her indifferent Manner poor poor Woman with not one of all the people to say Ah tots aicto. how little three month old baby will not feel his loss.

Lapwai Christmas 1886
A damp rainy day notwithstanding the people came in best clothes to stand up in a circle on the outside of the church to be counted & harrangued. K has given that custom up but as Paul said yesterday Cosisemlepets tetoken here. My heart sad & wandering over to the little cottage where lies the poor suffering dying wife of Mr Deffenbaugh. I had many mementoes of love from friends. dear pictures from Theodore Simpson. how much those tokens cheer.
I had no heart to make the pop corn I sent for into balls So gave the gifts for children on to Elders to give as they pleased. they put James Ruben on the platform. the books & pictures & toys spread out at his feet. toyes wrapped in papers. Abraham stood back of circle of children. back of him sat Mothers with babies in their arms. I have heard much about his James’ dignified eloquence but was surprised at his wit & ability to talk to little ones. he told them why Christmas was observed - then about the great father at Washington - Said here is your annuities now Waggons-plows-harness & all that come on now take what you need Abraham watching they did not take both plow & harness. the Mothers came baby under the cover all blanket picked up a package. James took & opened it exclaiming Aye. Abraham echoed Aye tots tamin? James scrutanized the little boys said Why you are not Indians when I was a boy I had no pants. skin sack showing how it was fastened at neck. You are soyappo. Now! every thing he said was laughed at by his people who admire him so much. Oh if the Lord would turn his influence always in the right direction. I told him how sick Mrs D was. he told the people. Silas called upon Hu Juscute to pray for Mr & Mrs D. but how little they thought of the sick one I could see when they were raising Money for the great feast on New Years.

Dec 1886
Have had a whole year of blessings My S. prospered & evry day opportunities of bearing testimony for Jesus My constant unchanging Friend.

Last Sab of 1886. Lapwai
Communion Sab but fear the last nights. Christmas Sayings & doings in the church came too often in Mind.  What little things distract - Mr D not in Church beside the sick bed of his wife- Silas Alone, Edward this evening rose to say his heart was troubled at Silas explanation I think the Israelities law Who so ever exacteth blood shall be cut off.  Or cource there is some malice in the question before a crowded house.  but some fear if  wildly giving opinionns of bible texts is needed and will be holesome. A great want at K.  Silas hunted the bible then got up twice & talked & talked but did not satisy.  James R has a copy of Pilgrims Progress.   Sang the New Nez P Hymn tonight. Awake & Sing the song of Moses & the Lamb.   Lord forgive all them.  [illegible]