1868 Reports of the Commissioner Affairs and Indian Agent Reports
"Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs," pp. 461-840. In U.S. House. 40th Congress, 3d Session. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, 1868 (H.Ex.Doc.1, Vol. 2). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1868. (Serial Set 1366).


From: No. 45, Annual Report of D. W. Ballard, Governor and ex-officio superintendent, pp. 656-659.

. . . I am not furnished with the usual reports from the Nez Percés agency. Having on the 22d of June, 1868, forwarded to the agent your circular of June 3, 1868, relative to annual reports, &c., I can account for the non-receipt thereof only by the facts, that since last March the agency has been temporarily in charge of Mr. J. W. Anderson, the late agent James O'Neill, being still absent in Washington, and the lately appointed agent, Mr. Newell, not having entered upon the duties of his office. I fear the reports from that agency cannot be made in time to answer your purposes. . . .

The official correspondence between the Nez Percés agency and this office has been very irregular since Agent O'Neill's absence, and quite unimportant, therefore my information from that quarter is derived mainly from popular report and private sources.

I think the condition of those Indians is but little changed since my last report; the same divisions and dissensions between the treaty and non-treaty parties still exist, and the same dissatisfaction with the government for the non-fulfi[l]ment of treaty stipulations. . . .

From: No. 46, Annual Report of George C. Hough, Special Agent, pp. 660-661.


August 24, 1868.

SIR: In my annual report I would most respectfully state that in accordance with the instructions of the Indian department, dated April 27, 1867, I proceeded to the Nez Percés agency and held a council with the Nez Percés tribe, and explained to them the provisions of the treaty of 1863; the council lasted about three weeks and the tribe was more fully represented than ever before, (Red Heart and Eagle from the Light and their bands being present.) I regret to report that I found much dissatisfaction existing among the Nez Percés because of the tardiness of the government in the payment of their annuities, &c. I found everything in first-rate order at the agency, and have no hesitancy in reporting, what I have from time to time reported, that the agent, James O’Neill, is one of the very best officers in the employ of the government. . . .