Dear Friend,

I scarcely know now after so long a silence how to begin to write to you. I have that as to my work, that I could give you little else than impressions which might change upon a survey from a different stand point which I will have to indulge in still. My S began in Nov & has gone on without a vacation except for three days two of them the holidays. I found the women to eager to begin the School & can say that though these months they have shown so much energy & perseverance, but Rachel Enochs wife knew her letters when S began, now they all read english passbly well two of them can translate into their own language which is I think hard. I have never had an Interpreter in my S room. I & although I at times so longed to ‘explain’ some precious of the master in our only reader the bible or a part of [illegible] as yet We venture very cautiously beyond Matthew or John which is always in the other hand the only books in Nez Perce. 

Dear friend

Pardon my long silence, which has not been owing to any of filial love on my part but, in part from the feeling that through your other correspondents you have all the facts of interest in this part of the field & that could give you but little else than impressions which change closer acquaintance with to me pleasant people.

I commenced my school in november I have but three days vacation nor have I cared for more for my S room has been a delightful, Sacred spot made such often by the felt presence of the teacher of Teachers. I have never had an interpreter which I now think has been best for them as well as Myself although at times I long so to explain some of the precious truths contained in our only reader the bible or the list part of found in Matthew or John, for we seldom venture beyond them own translation, then again I have said after stameringly pronouncing reading in Nez Perce the verse they had just in english, it is well that I am tongue tied, evidently for from the awed mien and tender ah ah the Spirit was filling with life & power

K.C. McBeth