Mt Idaho March 28th 1892

Kate – dear sister-
I sent you a letter this morning with David Allens letter. Did you receive them? The enclosed Circular and blanks came to me. For fear it was a mistake, I send them to you.

I will fill out my own blanks, and send them to Mr Dulles myself to give you more time to attend to Archie and his tinum (i.e. get Felixs Statement &c). Have Allen, Woods &c understand clearly that Archie can furnish Presbytery with plenty of work, yearly if they ‘entertain charges’ (as Heth expressed it) of his tinum. Presbytery is their (A & Co) great trust for help in their schemes. And for its help they work, plot & plan bringing so much trouble to us.

Bring "Archie to the front" if possible. He will hide behind William, Peter &c. of whom he is the leader through help of Presbytery. It was his church caused the Kamiah Council where they were defeated and started the ‘tukin’ at Lapwai.

I wish some of Roberts Elders could go to Pres. They had decided before not to. None of them are well. Let Harry speak first about this going before Presbytery. H is a Candidate for the ministry you know, not for liscensure now. Of course Parsons has not thought of ordination now has n being ordained now, has not prepared for it or Caleb either are not to be ordained now, except Caleb goes to the Spokans, and there is a great need for Parsons as a minister on the Reserve. Keep Peter at Lapwai if possible for your own sake.

But I am writing this by candlelight; and eyes will suffer tomorrow. Write to me, why don’t you? Take good care of yourself. Good night God strengthen you, and give you wisdom for every need, and grace sufficient prays

Sister Sue