Mt Idaho March 29th 1892

Kate – dear Sister
I sent you a letter yesterday (with Allens letter) and one today. Tell me if you recieved them. Your letter, with letter to Dr. E came today. Harry was here today. He says Archie has gone to Lapwai it is said to help Peter make two Elders and stop two – you know what that means – a call to Lapwai. I have just written a recommendation for Parsons to Presbytery for ordination. He could then be placed on Stated Supply. He is not to be sent away from the Nez Perces – remember and not to be ordained unless there is need among the Nez Perces and he is to supply that need and keep out A & Co.

Harry says Felix has gone to Lapwai. Pray God you will get that ‘Statement’ from him. He could perhaps give you a statement about that "Sarah" story that Mr Allen writes about too. She, Sarah, is Luke Williams sister in law.

Harry said that Agent Robbins had tried her Sarah on the same story against Robert last year just before Presbytery and found there was nothing of it. She contradicted herself to the Agent time and again. Get the Statement of the Agents trial of the story of Sarah against Robert and the result, from some one if possible. David Allen wrote to Harry too lately (about the same time as to Robert) asking Harry about the story of Sarah, witness &c So, Allen is busy and Woods too. You are not a defenceless Indian like Robert. They (the clique) can dare do nothing to you. In helping Robert you will help yourself too. The root of his trouble and trouble to you is the same. Shewing Archie in his true light as regards Robert will help to keep him (Archie) away from Lapwai, for which he is aiming direct now.

Pray God you will get the two Statements which will help the Presbyters to see clearly, and see Archie in his true light - no matter how he may try to hide behind others through whom he works and whom he leads and directs. H is working Peter to get you out of his (Archies) own way. Do not heed his (Peters) talk. You may be very sure I am praying for you dear sister that God would give you wisdom and help for the present need and for what threatens the Nez Perce mission and give you grace and strength for every need always,

Sister Sue

Don’t have any controversy with Peter in Pres about Wood’s talk or anything. Don’t put yourself on a level with him by shewing the trouble before the Presbyters. Archie will egg him on – don’t pay any attention.
Do not be afraid to speak plainly. You know Archie pastor at Lapwai stops your work there. I suppose he has come to arrange the ‘call.’ Archie will still control the K 2nd tho he go as pastor to Lapwai for the salary & Peter to the K 2nd . Write to me.