Mt. Idaho April 16th 1892

Kate – dear sister-
Thank Our Father you and all our boys reached Lewiston safely and with thankful hearts for Gods mercies. I have not heard from them at Kamiah yet. Your Presbytery letters came yesterday in the same mail with Dr E-s let note about Mr Dunlap, and a letter from Miss Axtell wishing to know the amount of salary needed to support Parsons as pastor of the Shoshones at Lemhi, for which he is promised and wishes to go. (Did he say nothing about the Shoshones at Pres.?) Miss Axtell and her friends will be responsible for Parsons salary at Lemhi. Did Robert (W) report his Shoshone work? Did you tell Pres. that Parsons could not go to the Spokans as I said? And why would they not take Caleb who is willing to go, and who will make the best pastor of all my scholars, and who is far ahead of Moses, Silas, or Jim Hines in Scriptural knowledge. But first, about General Assembly. From the first I intended to send Robert Williams (in my place.) and he knows it. But, I told him he would need to buy his own clothing for Gen. Ass. How did he look at Pres? Well enough for Portland? Please tell me what he lacks that I may tell him.

Please write at once to Wadhams, and learn what would be the cost of entertainment and what terms could be got for expense of journey. I wish they would ‘dead-head’ all my boys or make the expense very small for one of them cannot go unless all go. The only divisions that could be make would be, Robert and the two licentiates, Parsons and Caleb. I cannot make ‘titakesh’ of some and make hard feelings by picking out one or two and leaving the others. Harry would be the very last one to send alone with Robert. He is the only one who has ever shown any disposition to ‘make a band’ for himself (though he is very good now) and we can have no more ‘bands.’ Who goes as Commissioners to General Assembly? Presbytery only wants the Nez Perces there to shew the General Assembly ‘the great work the Walla Walla Presbyery has been doing!’ Don’t praise Pres too highly to Dr E for a while until we see yet. (Look at Adair.) Harry wrote that Pres. Had given Archie a salary of $500.00 a year $400.00 from the people and $100.00 from Presbytery. Is that true? Perhaps Harry mistook. Archie will come back (if that is true) ‘bigger than ever’ being given a bigger salary than any of the other ministers. I do not understand about ‘resolution of reproof to be sent each one in writing’ Was it about the slander? Was Archie ever rebuked? Sent to whom? Please tell me. You was so tired when you wrote, and there are so many things I want to know . Did you give Pres, the ‘protest’ against Moses? And do they appoint him in spite of all? He is only ‘with Robert’ until he returns to Kamiah. Is Silas to go back to the Spokans in the fall if he is continued by Presbytery? ‘Jim Hines’, ‘Moses’ ‘Silas" & Parsons for Spokans? I do not understand. Parsons cannot go to the Spokans at all. He is promised for the Shoshones. And I am not through with either him or Caleb as my scholars yet and only was willing to let Caleb go because of the great need of the Spokans. And Caleb was willing to go as Parsons is not but wants to go to the Shoshones who are as precious and more needy than the Spokans. Who is the one (Presbyter, or Committee) to write to about this matter?

I have written to James Hayes that I want him to go to Gen. Ass. with Robert & you and that perhaps you can get rates for him too. He & Robert will be the best to go. Of course Archie will be there, and Walla Walla Pres. will not hinder him from stepping to the front to make a shew. Will you try to hinder the Womans Board from giving him work which would make him big here and hurt the Cause, or will I write to Mrs Ladd? Didn’t Pres accept Peters resignation? Why cannot he be sent to the Spokans if he leaves Lapwai? Mr Dunlap will need him or someone at Lapwai to let him visit the other churches. I am so glad Mr Dunlap is coming. Do you know him?

But I must stop. Write to me just as soon as you recieve this please, and answer my questions and tell me everything. Remember you may know how I am waiting to hear. Good night. God bless you & guide you

Sister Sue
Don’t say anything to anyone on the Reserve about Roberts going to Gen. Ass or the Archie Co will almost kill him to hinder him or get up another tukin to hinder.