Mt. Idaho May 12th 1890

Kate – dear Sister
I have sent you three or four long letters lately, and have not, yet recieved answer to one of them. Did you recieve them? I enclosed one about Moses, in a note to Miss Fletcher and a duplicate to you in case Miss Fletcher was not at Lapwai. I told you that Mark & Parsons had come up to let me know that all had returned well from Pres. But they could only stay a little while, and I had not seen Robert so that I know little about Pres. Save that they were kindly treated, the trial appointed for today &c. One or two sentences of Marks cause me to write the "Moses" letters. He said that some of the Presbytery had asked ‘if that pupil of Miss McBeths was still on the [illegible] of the woman.’ He also said that Archie had been taken apart & talked to and it flashed over me that he had used "Moses" as a "shield’, to hide behind as he did "Peter Lindsley" last year (Poor foolish, weak backed Moses, and poor foolish Peter – entrapped. [illegible] to him.

Yesterday trying to recal exactly Moses exact words when he told me that the tinun told him she was going to Grangeville to tamapaik to the authorities there what Robert had done. Moses said he told her not to do that "Washik titakash (Elders) reservationpu" (We have Elders on the Reservation.) And that she had started early that morning to tamapaik to the Elders. There was no word or thought apparently, of any one but the Elders.

Parsons came up last week (his child is still sick) and I told him what Moses had said. He said he did not think the Elders would pay any attention to her but, before Parsons got back to Kamiah or had time to see Robert, Robert had been arrested, he dreaming of no trouble until Abram Johnston came, late one night to warn him that he was to be arrested in the morning. I hope they will call on Abram as a witness. (He knows much of the plot) Moses was entrapped as so many of my boys have been. He was not the root. He had been operated on for months before by Archie & Co do not know if he will dare to confess what he knows of the plot. But enough of that.

All day even while I am writing this, at times) My heart is going up in the prayer "Lord, glorify Thine own Name" I can get no farther than that. Seem to forget Robert & Miss McB & Sister everything save the two forces of good and evil today brought together in battle array at Lapwai, the whole tribe looking on Lord magnify thine Own Great Name in the presence of the Nez Perce today. Let them see that there is a God, Mighty to save against whoever people the ‘gates of hell’ can not prevail. A God in whom they can place all their trust and turn them all to Thyself

I should be writing to society or band, today, but I could not fix my thoughts on such letters. I do not know how long the Com will be at Lapwai. If Dr Gunn is still there when this reaches you shew him what I have written of Moses. I wrote so much to him connected with the root of the matter (All the people know how that Archie is the root Moses was never considered the root) or I would have written his story in the story to Dr Gunn even with its added weariness. I hope God will give the friends to see clearly the root of the trouble and stop it once for all with Gods help. He only can give them to see clearly as He only can give the needed wisdom and power. Lord glorify Thine Own Name now in the presence of the Nez Perce prays

Yours lovingly

Sister Sue