Mt. Idaho May 23 1892

Kate – dear Sister-
Your note and the check I sent you reached me today, and I think there is time for this to reach you before you leave Portland. D.V. Gen Ass. will not, probably, break up until next week. Is Mrs Ladd (Wm G) in Portland? Or is she with her Sister yet? If she is still with her sister I’m afraid she did not recieve my letter about Archie. Is he in P.? Did he & C. M.& wife go down with you? Do not be afraid to speak plainly about Archie if there is the least danger the ladies will put him on the platform in missionary meetings &c &c, and so make more trouble for us here when he returns (i.e.) by adding to his influence with the people, and power to trouble and hurt the Cause. He will try by every means, to brings himself into notice, and get more contributors to his salary or church (like Dr [illegible] ). Do not let the friends be imposed on and strengthen him to do greater hurt.

Mrs Nellie Holcomb was in the Christian Commission with me in St. Louis before her marriage. Please remember me to her in love. And give my best love to Mrs McFarland. Tell her I do not forget her, or her brave sailing away to her lonely work. And, please give pleasant and grateful remembrance from me to Mr & Mrs Ladd and all their family. Of course you will enjoy meeting George Johnston and probably many others of the old friends. Remember me to George, and any others who know me. I do not know if Dr. Brookes, or Dr. Walter I. Scott pastor of the 1st Pres’n chuch of Albany N.Y. will be there, with their wives. If they are, remember me to them in love. But, I must not write more now. Have the ladies call on James Hayes and Eddie if they want Nez Perces to speak at the missionary meeting &c Write to me from Portland, and on the way, and as soon as you get home. Will any one come to Lapwai with you? Tell me everything. May God guide you in all things by His Spirit and strengthen & help you – always prays

Sister Sue