Mt. Idaho July 16th 1892

Kate – dear sister –
I return the enclosed letter which is ‘news’ to me too. I think he mistakes about both lots being in the name of ‘Susan McBeth.’ I do not know anything about it. I never saw the deed to my remembrance. You and Mr. Crittenden attended wholly to the matter if I remember rightly. Before I came West you gave me my choice of the lots, and I chose "no 4. and Arthur has been paying the taxes on it for many years. Has probably paid more for taxes than the price of the lot now. I do not wish to sell the lot now for the price. I enclose a slip of paper with a "Statement" which will make the matter as straight as I can make it I think. You can sent it to any one "whom it may concern."

I sent you a hasty scribble last night about what you wrote about James Hayes. I pray it reached you in time to prevent you writing to him as you said you would, and bring trouble to the Cause. About two weeks ago, Harry told me that James had written that he and Moses Minthorn wanted very much to go with Robert W on his trip to Lemhi, and Harry said he had just mailed a letter that day to James saying that Robert said that he and Moses Minthorn could go with the company to the Shoshones. And yesterday in the same mail with yours came a note from James saying that he & Moses Minthorn were coming to go with Robert & the other missionaries to the Shoshones. (God willing.) All of the Umatillas & Nez Perce both tribes doubtless know now of James’ purpose. If you should write and order him to ‘stay in his place now’ and he obeyed, you may know how much respect his Umatilla Indian people would have for their pastor who (and could be) so ‘bossed’ by a woman. (There has been the root of so much of the trouble.) If he did not obey you (he is a man and feels his manhood and white ministers are allowed vacation, he knows) then, you can see a little the trouble that could come. May God hinder you the hurt and trouble to the Cause. I know what Dr E. said when your wrote him about not paying Moses (licentiate-salary) but that does not give you any authority over their vacation, or prevent them using it to work among the heathen. And you can see how you would strike at Robert too and make trouble at Kamiah (which comes into my Reports.) Dear Sister – don’t touch James or Robert in this matter for the sake of The Masters Cause so shaken now both among the Nez Perces & Umatilla’s which is so shaken now.

That scene in church last sabbath, was another Archie planned performance to frighten and perplex & mislead Woods, as they did Dr. Gunn. Archie is using Peter as a ‘cats paw’ to get you out of his way at Lapwai. May God give you strength and grace dear sister for all you have to endure. I want to talk more but it is near night, and dark from rain clouds and I want to mail this monday morning God willing.

Is Miss Fletcher at Lapwai? I infer that she has trouble too. Give her and Miss Gay my best love and sympathy. Dear friends – true friends. How we will miss them. They are such a comfort to me. May God bless them.

Take good care of yourself - be on your guard. There is plenty goodly here, any time. The hotel is much better than when Brown had it and, of course you can have one of our little houses if you want it. I suppose you have seen Parsons ere this. I have to pay his expenses back. The Estimates came from Dr E the other day. I suppose to you too. Write to me as soon as you recieve this. I will be troubled about the James Hayes affair until I hear. May God prevent trouble from it. Tell me everything about Meadow Creek too. Archie is working to get that ready for Peter to leave Lapwai empty for himself. Cant Woods see? Whitman is not a good one to go with him on the Reserve.

God comfort and guide you and bless you always dear sister - prays

Sister Sue
I wrote Miss Fletcher at Wilsons (Shoshone) request about his land. Did she recieve my letter? When does she leave? I am expecting to see her & Miss Gay before they go home God willing.

Monday A.M.

Dear Sister.
If you have already written to James H. please write to him at once & take it back. I am so troubled I can scarcely sleep. May God save His Cause further trouble. When you see James you can tell him he must not overstay his vacation but return as soon as it is over.  Have Dr E understand clearly Archie’s work at Lapwai or this Board will give him a salary at Lapwai when if he goes there. What did Woods mean by saying "he sees no way to end this but the "one way." Did he mean to put Archie in the Lapwai church to work you out?