Portland Aug 24th 1888

Kate – dear Sister
I reached here from Walla Walla last tuesday A.M. thorougly tired out. It has been so very hot, and I have suffered from the heat, nearly ever since I left White’s Station. Outside of this I have had a very pleasant time especially with the friends here. James Hayes was the only Nez Perce at Walla Walla. He made an address in English saturday night evening and did very well. The same evening by request of Dr. Irvin he made an address in Nez Perce. The whites were so kind to him. I think he enjoyed himself. But, I may be interrupted by callers at any moment, and must write briefly. If God please. I hope to start for home on the cars, next tuesday at 2 A.m. so as to make connections with the boat at Riparia (D.V.) and reach Lewiston D.V. by the next thursday boat. I would like to see Lapwai, and you and if possible would like to go out thursday evening or friday morning, spend the Sabbath at Lapwai, and start for Mt. Idaho by monday’s stage if I can get to White’s Station from Lapwai so as to meet mondays stage. If any one from Lapwai is in Lewiston thursday or friday could they take me out, and could they take me to meet the stage monday A.M. at White’s station? I will pay them for it. I think, perhaps I will send one trunk on from Lewiston direct to Mt. Idaho and save lugging it around – I will tell you all (D.V.) should I go to Lapwai. Save the heat I am enjoying myself here very much (was to dinner at Wathams yesterday at Ladds the day before &c. But I must get back soon to Mt Idaho (D.V.) There is so much to be done there before school opens (D.V.) I hope to tell you all when we meet (D.V. either at Lapwai or Mt. I. if God please

Sister Sue
If I cannot possibly reach Lapwai you come to Mt. Idaho though. I have nothing to tell which affects either your work or mine I am glad I went to Walla Walla.