Mr Gilbert K. Harrison
53 5th Ave
New York

Dear Sir
Your note of Dec 18th enclosing check for $350.00 (of which $300 is my salary for the 6 months ending Jan 1st 1889 - $50.00 my assistants salary to Jan 1st 1889) has just reached me, and I hasten to send you the reciept, by return mail, (D.V.) Your letter also enclosed a letter to my sister Miss K C McBeth at Lapwai, 77 miles from here which I will hasten to send her D.V. My sisters address is:
Miss Kate C McBeth
Nez Perce Co
Idaho Ter

My address is
Miss S.L. McBeth
Mt Idaho
Idaho Co
Idaho Ter

 The 65 miles between here and Lewiston are miles of mountain roads, sometimes impassible for weeks in the winter snows. The mail comes from Lewiston here by stage or pack horse. Lapwai is about 12 miles from further on from which latter place my sister gets her mail by private opportunity. From Mt Idaho to Lapwai is about 90 miles and as the trail route. All mail matter must go via Lewiston. Lapwai & Mt Idaho are 90 miles of Mts apart and are make via Kamiah and no mail between. If it would not be too much trouble would Mr Harrison please send my sisters mail to her direct so saving much delay & additional risk. It would be a great favor to my sister her as well as to
Very Respectfully yours

S.L. McBeth