Jan 10th 1885
Rev. Dr. A.L. & Mrs Lindsley

Dear friends
Mrs Lindsleys kind letter in regard to Mrs Strong’s death, and the letter (& copy) of Dr Lindsley in relation to Archie Lawyers proposed Nez Perce Hymn book, both reached me a short time since. And although I have so many things I would like so much to talk about with my pastor and his wife I can only write very hastily now. I am liable to interruption at any moment from pupils or people although it is saturday. My life is a very busy one, and full of cares thought I have a very pleasant school and only comfort in the school room. Our three, minister boys, Robert, James Hays & Peter Lindsley, are walking & working together in the bonds of love and the church is prospering under the care of Robert and with the two helpers. A number (7) united with the church at the last communion. At the meetings the Kamians always hold during the holidays some of the ‘wildest’ of the young men professed conversion, backsliders were reclaimed &c. But I cannot write now of church matters, only to give you a glimpse of the sunny side for which we have so much reason to thank God and take courage.  To turn, briefly to the ‘other side’ was cause of taking up the pen today.

Dr Lindsleys letter to Mr G.C. McConnell (San Fran.) is correct save that the address of the Misses McB is Kamiah, instead of Mt. Idaho. I have not yet heard anything save what Dr L. wrote, about the Nez Perce Hymn book which Archie wishes to have printed. Father Spaudling translated and printed perhaps a dozen hymns before the Whitman massacre. The Nez Perces were shrilly ‘chanting’ these when I first came, having lost the tune in the 20 or 30 years when they were without a missionary or guide. In my second or third year at Kamiah (my pupils & I) we translated, and sang our first hymn. ‘Mary to the Saviors tomb’ which did hurt instead of good my misleading, we not being sufficiently skilled in the Nez Perce or they in the English. From time to time since, we have made translations of other hymns. These, all, Archie collected, and while he was in the Indian Territory, had them printed, with Father Spauldings, in a little Hymn book. It may be that he wants that little book reprinted. If so, instead of being reprinted some of the hymns ought to be blotted out, rather and all of them very carefully revised. Archie has no musical talent, could not learn to play a simple tune on the organ, knows nothing of the rules of musical notation. But enough. Dr Lindsley understands. Beside the hymn of which I have spoken, Mr Ainslie translated one, Joseph Lowrie (now one of the wickedest men on the Reservation) - while he was a school boy translated another. Our later hymns, translated by Robert & others of my pupils & their teacher in the school room. Archie does not yet possess, But Dr Lindsley understands.

Archie will not submit his proposed book to us for revision. I feel certain tho he will not hesitate to give the friends the impression that he has done so, if he can safely and cannot gain his aim without giving such an impression. (Dr L perhaps remembers that his teachers protest ‘against’ his ordination was principally because of his great untruthfulness, and unscrupulousness in the use of means to gain his ends. But enough, only I know that he has not improved in his respect.

He has not been at Kamiah since my return, last Sept. He is so far behind and inferior to Robert, James & Peter as a preacher that even the least advanced can percieve it. And he is too political to place himself in comparison. And besides, Robert has too strong a hold on the hearts of the people here. After every possible effort of Jimmy Lawyer & band to ‘make a road’ for Archie (as one, who was helping him last winter expressed it) the road into the pastorship of the Kamiah church is much less open to him than before he came. (I thank Our Father)

I write all this, because, Dr Linsley kindly offered any help he could give and my great trouble today has its origin in Archie & Jimmy Lawyer.

To understand Jimmy Lawyers daughter is married to a grand son of Howliswanpum I think the name is) the Cayuse Chief who by his efforts to rival Winanmsnoot has caused so much trouble in the Umatilla Church and Yumhowlish and the Lawyers always cooperate in working and are leaving no effort untried to try to make trouble for Silas & William when there) and ‘make a road for Archie into the Umatilla church in case their present projects in regard to matters on the Nez Perce reservation should fail. Our boys at Umatilla are brave hearted by Gods grace or they would not have persevered through so much from Catholic and heathen and Lawyer bands, and their perseverance is very encouraging.

Jan. 26th

I am so interrupted, and so busy that letter writing is almost an impossibility. And I have an opportunity to send this to mail in an hour or two, the only opportunity I may have for a long time and it has been too long delayed now. If God spares me I will try to send Dr Lindsley a copy of a letter I wrote to one of the friends sometimes ago which will give him a better idea of the ‘situation’ than I have time to write now. Only this much, now let me ask my pastor:

Is it within the range of human possibility that in the event of any change which may possibly come in the spring, a Nez Perce should be given charge of Agency matters at Lapwai? The Lawyers are leaving no means untried (secretly) among the people to accomplish this end. (I do not know what they are doing in the direction of ‘Washington’) Their plan is that in the event of a consolidation of the Umatilla & Nez Perce Agencies in the spring Archie is to take the reins of gov. if not, then in conjunction with James Reuben, who should become ‘Governor’ as he term it (Sub Agent) of the "Nez Perce, Umatillas & Spokanes) and so unite "Church & State’ in own proper person - his ideal Church (as in the Ind Ter) he united in session work (so his brother reported) the two heathen chiefs, Joseph & Yellow Bull, the policemen, and his Elders, ten in all) himself the Head and so made a strong church driving the people into Church &c. But enough.

The government is aware of the moral delinquencies of James Ruben. But Archie was in Washington last winter in company with Dr Kendal & others. The prefix to his name might help to inspire the Government with confidence in him &c &c. If his plan should succeed he would then have control of the house in which my sister has her school, two agency houses of which my pupils have the use &c &c (In on their conspiracy in Agent Warners time when they though they were sure of getting rid of the Agent and getting matters into their own hands, the Lawyers apportioned out these houses for residences, the best for themselves, the others for their '‘sub chiefs.'’ They would then too, have greater, facilities through greater power to accomplish their constant efforts i.e. the hindering or breaking up of the Mens school, women school, which stands in the way of their ambitions. Is it possible does my Pastor think, that the government would entrust even a part of Agency power in their hands? Government, not knowing their true character.

I have been interrupted again and am expecting our boys for this every moment. Forgive me for sending such a ‘scribble. But indeed I cannot help it. I will D.V. write again as soon as I can. But please do not think that neglect, or forgetfulness is ever the case of silences. And please answer the questions in this will you not, if possible. I know how full of cares and work are the days of my Pastor (two in one). Remember me in love to all the dear ones with you and all the dear Portland friends, and with sympathy & love to all of the family of my dear friend, Mrs Strong. I hope to write to her daughter soon, if God please.
In the Master work & a Saviors love,

Your parishioner

S.L. McBeth

Since I began this, I have questioned some of my boys who have examined the little Nez P. hymn book Archie had printed in the Ind. Ter. (It is the size or perhaps a little larger than the Childs catechism. The Kamiah Nez Perces only use six of the hymns in the collection. All the others were rejected as false in their greater Gospel light. These six (two of them are Father Spauldings, the rest ours) have been ‘measured’ with voice & organ at Presbytery by whites, and are all memorized by the Nez Perces (& Umatillas too) now - doubtless through our boys. The Spokans do not understand Nez Perce. Enoch needs an interpreter there, as do all our boys.