[Missing- Appears to be part of a longer letter to Dr E in which she includes parts of letters to others]]

Mt. Idaho May 27 1886
Rev. A.L. Lindsley D.D.

Dear Sir
"As usual, Miss McB is engrossed by ‘Nez Perce.’ Her pupils who, of course, must attend to their farm work (having no other means of support of elf and family) come and go as they can; their houses here kept open for them, at an expense to Miss McB of $15.00 per month for the two she has rented. If she had gone with them to Kamiah for the farming months that expense would have been spared her.  She is at work on her Eng. Nez Perce Dic. & Grammar (which her missionary & other pupils still need, much) as much as time and eyes will permit.

As for other matters relating to Nez Perce land, Dr Lindsley, most probably knows more than she – There are so many things, these days, and in the past which she cannot understand – And there is no need, perhaps, that she should save those which bear upon her school and the church with which that school is so linked. May she tell her pastor briefly as possible, one of those ‘perplexities’ which would trouble her today?  The first official act of the Agent after his return from Portland lately, was to arrest Robert Williams who, I think I told Dr Lindsley has been studying with me when his church duties would permit (and who has improved much since Dr L. saw him). He (R) had been at Mt Idaho for a few days of study and to buy some provisions &c when, on the way home to Kamiah he was met by two Lapwai policemen who told him that their orders were to arrest him and bring him to Lapwai ‘and if he resists shoot him down’. Does Dr Lindsley know of what crime Robert had been guilty? I do not.

The police let him take home his provisions (under guard) and as it was near night waited, and started with him the next morning (saturday). One of their horses giving out, they had to turn back and spend the sabbath at Kamiah, starting early monday morning – But, I must be brief.

The policemen told at K the Indians say that ‘Charlie (the Agent) said that he had asked some of the Church ‘titakash’ (head men) if he might or should) ‘get aftre Robert now? And they had answered him ‘Yes, now’ I do not believe the story or many others of its kind. Only this, dear Sir – may Miss McB ‘shew her heart’ to her pastor even if it is useless. She will not then have the responsibility of silence – should any evil occur. With the enmity of hostility of the Agent to Robert (for which I know no just cause) so well known to the Indians, she has grave apprehensions for Roberts life – from the tools, or treachery of those who find him in the way of their ambitions, and feel that harm to him would perhaps be found as ‘perfectly justifiable’ as that to Nine Pipes. She is writing this slowly after watching the same persistance which followed Mark to his ruin – finally into his grave – following his brother. Please remember that no white person living now, can see under the Nez Perce surface – as she see it – which makes her revelations of what is going on there seem so incredible. But whether credited or not it is still her duty to make known what concerns her pupils at least.

Three times in one year Robert has been brought before the ‘Court of Indian Offenses’ so called, twice arrested by police men, once summoned by Charlie – the Agent, besides causing him to be tried before 2 Church Courts; and nothing has been found in him to justify it. Dear sir, has the Church which is given such power no protection? no restraint? no help?

Perhaps I would not write this today only that Felix Corbett, one of the Kamiah Elders – told me, last week of another effort looking in the same direction: Archie with "Wincy" or Wilson (the husband of the half breed Annie, who helped the Lawyers with Mark) and another of my pupils who A is leading astray again were circulating reports at Lapwai against Roberts character. Mr D fearing another arrest – Felix said – sent William Wheeler & Silas Whitman to Kamiah, and the day before Felix came here, a Church Council had investigated the reports, and found them utterly false, started by Annie, and carried to the Agents ears by her husband, who is now ‘Judge’ of the Police Court at Kamiah. [Annie, an Indian woman had been before the K session accused of sinning with one of these men – who the whites here say drinks, plays cards, and visits disreputable houses outside the Reservation – the Agent knew the record of both these men though the friends did not. I need not say how it hurt like an insult and a degredation to have the ‘testimony of such men against Miss McB or her pupils listened to for a moment.]

There are only two Catholics at Kamiah, a widow, and Annie who as educated in a Jesuit convent, and works faithfully for her church and against the church at K. She, speaking English, is the chief authority of the whites at Kamiah (about Robert &c) they understanding scarce a word of the Nez Perce. Her husband is an ignorent man, nominally a Protestant, but really ruled by his wife. So that out of the three ‘Judges’ on a reserve so largely Protestant two are virtually Jesuits. [For Dr E. The 3rd, and Chief Judge’ Cap. Kane whom perhaps Dr E saw at Lapwai. I knew was part Cayuse. (some say has no Nez Perce blood) and was a tool of the Agent. But since I wrote this Appeal, the old Kamiah Elder and others have told me that Kap Kane was with the Whitman murderes at the time of the Whitman Massacre ‘and has the same mind to ministers yet’ they say which was the cause of his persecution of Robert. I do not know how Kap Kane was implicated in the murders only that he was with the Cayuse at the time of the massacre.]

The Captain of police is a Catholic as are some of the Lapwai policemen – one of the two Kamiah policemen is a nephew of Annie.

So, also, last year the small (clique) band of nine Kamiah men (Ex chies & old men) who were opposed to advance in Christianity & civilization, were placed in power over the large majority (who wished to advance) using the power given by the Gov. to force the people back in to their old tribal (& band) relations, and restore the ‘haswalawit’ of the old heather regime. ‘If you had not held us back last winter (a year ago) crying ‘bear it – bear it, for the sake of your people’ when we had so much to bear, matters would not have come to this pass’ said Felix to me last week. Perhaps he was right. And yet if further hurt is stopped, I do not regret it. The Kamiah church which the aim was to divide, or break up is still a unit and prospering in spite of all - - - - - -

June 26th

I wrote the above when Dr Lindsley sees; was interrupted, and before I could resume it, heard that a new Agent had been appointed, and was coming (which may, or may not be true and concerns me only as it concerns my school and the Kamiah church) and laid aside the letter with others of its kind begun in the years past and ‘laid aside’ – as they perhaps should not have been only for later ‘events’. Dr Lindsley would never have seen this.

A week ago last wednesday – Robert (Williams) and wife came up to Mt Idaho. So many of his congregation had started two days before for Lewiston, when the trial of Tom Hill is held this week. [Robert & James were not summoned as witnesses – though they were here last fall (repairing their houses) and were summoned before the Grand Jury with other Kamians – But they did not see the shooting as they testified. Tom Hill was not arrested, or indicted on their evidence – as the Agent saw when he read the indictment] Robert left James Hayes in charge at Kamiah, and came up for a week (or more) of study.

The day after Robert came – came James Hayes to Mt Idaho. A Kamian had brought word from Lapwai, he said, that both Robert and he were to be arrested – they did not know for what. The evening after Robert left K (J. said) a Lapwai policeman had come to Kamiah seeking him. Not finding him, and missing James he left word that they would be arrested when Robert came back from Mt. Idaho. James returned home last week. Robert (went home this morning – not knowing what is before him, save from this threat and leaving his teacher full of apprehension for him and for James.

The Kamians – I am told – have gone down to the trial terrorized by threats if they testify against Tom Hill. Whatever may be the result of the trial Robert stand the same. The arrests, and hurried journeys and trials, and long continued strain is telling on him physically. He is troubled much lately with sharp pain at his heart. To him under God more than to any other living his teacher owes so much of the success which God has given her. He has been her wise, unselfish helper, in training in Church work, the five ministers of her second class, as he is helping her with her present class. Without his help at Kamiah she could scarcely have accomplished her "New Departure’ as those who are aiming at the school through him well know.

The Kamiah Church owes to him under God what it is. There is no one can take his place in Church or school. If only for the sake of the Masters Cause his life is valuable, and it is in peril. What ever is in the future does not alter the facts of the past and present of which I have written.

Last sabbath Robert preached by invitation in English in the Methodist Church (or Hall) at Grangeville. Mr Campbell who was present told me that he preached a good, Gospel sermon, and was listened to with the same respect as if he were a white minister – was felt even by the most careless to be a living proof of the power or the Gospel which could work such a change, and raise up such a man from among the Indians.

I asked Mr Campbell who was a teacher for years at Kamiah and Lapwai what was the cause of the arrests &c of Robert by Charlie the Agent for which I had tried n vain to learn just cause ‘What is or was Roberts crime?’ ‘That he is a man’ was the answer ‘and feels his manhood –which must be crushed out.’

But I did not intend to write all this &c

S.L. McB