The Argonaut - October 1st, 1926 Item Info

The Argonaut - October 1st, 1926
University of Idaho Student Media
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Co-education is upheld by Upham in open letter: Writes article defending system following recent criticism; Yearling eleven lines up against Lewis and Clark: Vandal Frosh will play curtain raiser tomorrow at 12:30; Total enrolment for present year is 2200 students: College of Letters and Science has heaviest enrollment; Vandals will open football season Saturday against Montana state: Vandal varsity squad will line up against aggressive Bobcat aggregation tomorrow on MacLean field in first game under new coach; Idaho to elect Rhodes scholar: Special faculty committee appointed by President Upham; Appoints Owings Idaho grid chiefs: Red-haired Fullback named by Coach Erb to lead Vandal squad; To run special for Seattle game: Must guarantee 125 passengers to get train: leave October 15; Explain artists course program: Auditorium packed for student body assembly Wednesday morning; Dean French to convention: Will represent University at Women’s conclave at Halley; “Co-ed walk out” staged Thursday: Freshman Girls made acquainted with women activities; 19 men make up Idaho pep band: Fourteen of those selected were members last year; Choral society to be organized: New music group to include mediocre students in voice; Pick thirty-four for U. Glee club: Still need more male voices, Prof. Edwin O. Bangs announced; Father dies, editor home: Floyd Lansdon and Brother left Wednesday for Boise; Frosh pep rally on Friday night: Student rally held Wednesday at first open practice (p3); School of religion abandoned at Cal. (p3); Men leave sunday on forestry trip: Twenty two students to study two weeks near Pierce (p4); Snow halts football mentors’ conference (p4); Knights elect on Wednesday: Fill vacancies caused by men not returning membership discussed (p4); Plans outlined for “Gem” Thurs.: Temporary staff for year book to be announced soon (p4)
Enrollment number Football Glee club Forestry
Idaho Newspapers on Microfilm, Idaho State Historical Society,

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"The Argonaut - October 1st, 1926", The Argonaut Archive, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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