Snake River Plain Aquifer model scenario: Hydrologic effects of curtailment of ground-water pumping using Snake River Plain Aquifer Version 1.1: ''Curtailment Scenario''. Technical report 2006-001 Item Info

Snake River Plain Aquifer model scenario: Hydrologic effects of curtailment of ground-water pumping using Snake River Plain Aquifer Version 1.1: ''Curtailment Scenario''. Technical report 2006-001
Contor, Bryce A.; Cosgrove, Donna M.; Johnson, Gary S.; Rinehart, Nathan
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Hydrologic Effects of Curtailment of Ground-Water Pumping (also known as the Curtailment Scenario), was originally performed using version 1.0 of the Snake River Plain aquifer model [Idaho Water Resources Research Institute (IWRRI), 2004]. The Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer Model (ESPAM) has been updated to version 1.1, and the results of re-running the Curtailment Scenario with the updated model are presented here. The Curtailment Scenario is one of many Snake River Plain aquifer model scenarios being developed to assist in resolution of conflicts among water users and guide future water management such as implementation of managed recharge. Water management should be guided by a collective perspective from many of the scenario evaluations rather than a single document. The present version of the ESPAM was developed with funding provided by the State of Idaho, Idaho Power Company, the U.S. Geological Surve y, and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. The model was designed with the intent of evaluating the effects of land and water use on the exchange of water between the Snake River Plain aquifer and the Snake River. This evaluation is part of the application of the model towards this purpose. This "Curtailment Scenario" is intended to answer the question "If all ground-water rights with priorities after a specified date were to be curtailed, what would the effect be on spring discharge and Snake River gains and losses?" This set of scenario simulations assesses this question for ground-water rights with priorities junior to the following dates: a) the onset of ground-water irrigation (1870) b) January 1, 1949 c) January 1, 1961 d) January 1, 1973 e) January 1, 1985. The underlying theory of this set of scenario simulations is that if all ground-water rights junior to a certain priority date were to be curtailed, benefits would be accrued to the river gains and spring discharges from the eastern Snake River Plain aquifer. These simulations illustrate the model-predicted increases in river gains and spring discharges over time. Benefit to river gains could be in the form of increased aquifer discharge to the river, decreased losses from the river to the aquifer or increased spring discharge from the aquifer. Future reference to increased river reach gains in this report will include all three of these cases.
Aquifers Computer models Computer simulation Water budget
Snake River Plain Aquifer; Southern Idaho
Boise Basin
IWRRI number:
Rights to the digital resource are held by the University of Idaho. http://www.uidaho.edu/
Idaho Water Resources Research Institute; University of Idaho
Contributing Institution:
University of Idaho

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Preferred Citation:
"Snake River Plain Aquifer model scenario: Hydrologic effects of curtailment of ground-water pumping using Snake River Plain Aquifer Version 1.1: ''Curtailment Scenario''. Technical report 2006-001", Idaho Waters Digital Library, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/iwdl/items/iwdl-200601.html
Rights to the digital resource are held by the University of Idaho. http://www.uidaho.edu/