Growing existing endowments is an excellent way to support library activities. Below are endowments that are either fully endowed or growing, grouped by how the funds are designated for use. To contribute to an endowment online, visit the University of Idaho Giving form and search for the endowment name in designation field. All Library funds can be found in the Giving form by selecting the “Library” category.
These funds support Faculty Development, Library Materials, Special Collections and Archives, Student Awards, Strategic Priorities, and Technology and Innovation.
Faculty Development
- Library Faculty Development Endowment
Library Materials
- Ella L. Olesen Library Endowment
- International Jazz Collections
- Kyle E. Laughlin Library Endowment
- Jewell Leighton Holm and Georgia M. Leighton Endowment
- Louise Anderson Ruetten Endowment
- Slade Anti-Pollution Trust
- Edwin and Norah Tisdale Library Endowment
- Parker and Kay Woodall Library Endowment
- John R. & Joan A. Yuditsky Library Endowment
Special Collections and Archives
- Lloyd and Emma Frederick Library Endowment
- Shirley Longeteig Strom and Robert C. Strom Library Endowment
- University Library Enhancement Fund
Student Awards
- Donna K. Smith Student Award Endowment
Strategic Priorities
- Library Dean’s Excellence Fund
- Lau Library Endowment
- Carl W. Berryman Library Endowment
- Earl Larrison Library Fund Endowment
- Lynn and Dennis Baird Library Endowment
- UI Library Associates Endowment
Technology and Innovation
- John W. and Carmelita G. Spencer Centennial Library Endowment
- INSIDE Idaho Endowment Fund