Esri Software Authorization
Authorization information for Esri products.
ArcGIS Desktop or CityEngine (On-campus Computers)
Launch 'ArcGIS Administrator' [Apps > ArcGIS > ArcGIS Administrator (or search by name)] then:
- Select the 'Desktop' product. (Select 'CityEngine' if you are authorizing that product).
- Choose the radio button 'Advanced (ArcInfo) Concurrent Use'.
- Push the 'Change...' button and enter ''.
- Press 'Apply' then 'OK'.

After connecting the License Manager you have the option of borrowing a license. License borrowing will enable you to copy an authorization file from the server and install it locally on your machine so you can use the software while you are off the U of I network.
To borrow/return a license:
- Select 'Borrow/Return' for either product.
- Enter the number of days to borrow. The maximum is 365 days. Note that licenses expire every year in mid-February. Therefore, you will have to return and borrow a new license each year.
- Check a box for each desired feature.
- Press 'Apply' then 'OK'.

To return a license, uncheck the box associated with the desired feature(s) and press 'Apply' and 'OK'.
ArcGIS Desktop (Off-campus Computers)
- Download this ArcGIS Desktop authorization file and save it to your computer.
Launch 'ArcGIS Administrator' [Apps > ArcGIS > ArcGIS Administrator (or search by name)] then:
- Select "Desktop" next to the folder icon in the upper-left.
- Select the radio button: "Advanced (ArcInfo) Single Use"
- Push the "Authorize Now..." button.
- Select the radio button "I have received an authorization file from Esri and am now ready to finish the authorization process."
- Browse to the authorization file you downloaded and saved to your computer and click "Next".
- Select the radio button "Authorize with Esri now using the Internet." and click "Next".
- Accept the pre-populated contact information and click “Next”.
- Select choices from the dropdown menus (e.g. Education-student; Higher Education; Student) and click "Next"
- Click "Next" on the screen with the authorization number.
- Accept the defaults and click "Next" on the two screens concerning extensions.
- Click "Finish" to complete the authorization process.
ArcGIS CityEngine (Off-campus Computers)
- Download this ArcGIS CityEngine authorization file and save it to your computer.
- Launch 'CityEngine Administrator' [Apps > ArcGIS > City Engine Administrator (or search by name)]
- Select the radio button: "CityEngine Single Use"
- Push the "Authorize Now..." button.
- Select the radio button "I have received an authorization file from Esri and am now ready to finish the authorization process."
- Browse to the authorization file you downloaded and saved to your computer and click "Next".
- Select the radio button "Authorize with Esri now using the Internet." and click "Next".
- Accept the pre-populated contact information and click “Next”.
- Select choices from the dropdown menus (e.g. Education-student; Higher Education; Student) and click "Next"
- Click "Next" on the screen with the authorization number.
- Click "Finish" to complete the authorization process.
ArcGIS Pro
- Start ArcGIS Pro on your computer and enter 'uidaho' in the text box under 'Your ArcGIS organization's URL'. Select the 'Remember this URL' option and push the 'Continue' button. On the subsequent screen click on the blue button adn sign in using your Vandal NetID. See the pictures below.

ArcGIS Drone2Map
- Start ArcGIS Drone2Map on your computer and enter 'uidaho' in the text box under 'Your ArcGIS organization's URL'. Select the 'Remember this URL' option and push the 'Continue' button. On the subsequent screen click on the blue button adn sign in using your Vandal NetID. See the pictures below.